Julia Schmitt is a self-taught, Melbourne based artist specialising in detailed pen drawings. She is predominantly inspired by the stories and humanity of old buildings and shopfronts. Natural and built landscapes are complex ecosystems, and her drawings invite the viewer to imagine the teeming life within these spaces. The permanent nature of fine-liner pen solidifies landscapes that while appearing solid and permanent have the potential to be altered at any moment.

Kyoto Lanterns 

Dimension: 39cm x 49cm (framed) 15 x 19 inches
Material: Fineliner pen on canvas paper
Price: AUD600

Kyoto Bathers

Dimension: 25.5cm x 35.5cm (framed) 10 x 14 inches
Material: Fineliner pen on canvas paper
Price: SOLD

Kyoto Ancestors

Dimension: 39cm x 49cm (framed) 15 x 19 inches
Material: Fineliner pen on canvas paper
Price: AUD600

Den-Den Town, Osaka

Dimension: 16x12cm
Material: Fineliner pen on canvas paper
Price: SOLD